Tuesday 1 November 2011

Blogs as Teaching aids

With my first post I concentrated on the use of an animation as an embedded application in my blog. the animation was an analogy which compared the different parts of a house and residents within a house to the different structures of a cell and their functions. The animation turned out to be a very useful way to explain cell structures and functions to pupils that had never encountered this section of work before in simpler terms.

I have found that blogs can act as an useful teaching tool that is available to learners outside of teaching hours, a tool that that will have access to in their own time. By posting simplified explanations of sections of work and the use of embedded applications as well as YouTube videos, a blog can act as a powerful medium of education. Students also have access to other blogs relating to other subjects which were not necessarily posted by their teachers yet can also be used to aid the learning process.

Unfortunately not all the information on every blog is accurate in every case and even when used as a medium for education the opinion of the author can hamper or distort the student's learning. The use of blogs by students to learn should be mediated to a degree by their teachers in order to ensure efficient use. I suggest that pupils should only fully rely on blogs suggested to them by their educators after their educators have reviewed them. 

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