Tuesday 1 November 2011

Part 1
Learning Outcomes:

  • Learners must be able to label the structures within a common animal cell
  •  Learners must be able to associate which structures perform which specific functions
A Practical example of cell structures using a house as an analogy is a useful LTSM, the analogy is given by the embedded animation on the right and is continued by being clarified by what is below.  
Structures within the cell and their specific functions:
(With reference to the diagram )

1 - Vacuole: Transport and osmoregulation
2 - Mitochondrion: Synthesis of ATP (Adenotriphosphate) during respiration
3 - Ribosome: Key factor in Translation (a stage in Protein Synthesis)
4 - Rough Endoplasmic Recticulim (Rough E.R.): Transports protiens
5 - Chromatin network: Consists of bundled strands of DNA which contain the genetic make-up of an organism
6 - Golgi Body: Packages proteins, lipids and other macro-molecules of transport inside and outside of the cell.
7 -The Nuclear Envelope: Encases the nucleus, protecting the chromatin network.
8 - The Nucleus: Houses the chromatin network, controlling the metabolic functions of the cell. 
9 - Smooth Endoplasmic Recticulum (Smooth E.R): Synthesizes  and transports lipids 

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